1.Main-Images/1.1 General/leapms-home.jpgLEAP-MS is about supporting people with Multiple Sclerosis to be as active as possible.  LEAP-MS stands for ‘Lifestyle, Exercise and Activity Package for People with Multiple Sclerosis and combines this online tool and coaching sessions with physiotherapists .  The online tool can be used  in conjunction with support from physiotherapists or as a stand-alone resource.

Researchers at Cardiff University are working with people with MS and physiotherapists to test LEAP-MS.  If you would like to join us in this test phase, please complete the ‘expression of interest’ form in the questionnaires section.

The LEAP-MS study focusses on people with progressive MS (PwPMS) who have moderate to severe impairments.  We are focussing on this group because most physical activity based research and interventions tend to be aimed at those with relapsing-remitting MS or those with mild disabilities.

The LEAP-MS Study is broken into three key stages.

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  1. Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to physical activity for people with MS
  2. Co-produced Intervention Development
  3. Feasibility and Acceptability testing


Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to physical activity for people with MS

1.Main-Images/1.0 Home/homepage-coproduction-session1.jpgIn the first stage of the LEAP-MS project we interviewed people with MS and their family members about the barriers to and facilitators of physical activity (PA) that PwPMS experience, their current levels and type of physical activity and their perceptions of the role physical activity plays in managing MS symptoms from both them and their families – or people that support them.

This provided us with important information about why physical activity might be important for PwPMS, the challenges they face in doing physical activity or accessing it, and ways which they have found to overcome any barriers.

We also collected information from physiotherapists about their understanding of self-management and their needs for training about using self-management approaches with PwPMS.

Co-produced Intervention Development

1.Main-Images/1.0 Home/homepage-coproduction-session2.jpg In the second stage of the study we worked with people with MS, their family members and physiotherapists to develop the LEAP-MS online tool and a training package for physiotherapists about how to support people with MS to select and manage their own physical activity. You can learn more about the co-production phase in the About section.

Feasibility and Acceptability testing

In the third and final stage of the LEAP-MS study we are testing the LEAP-MS intervention, trying to find out if it is
a) feasible and
b) acceptable to people with MS and physiotherapists.

Go to About LEAP-MS ›