LEAP-MS is about supporting you to be physically active.  We hope that finding activities that you can do and enjoy on your own or with others will help you to move and feel better.

Browse through the activity categories to explore ideas for activities that might suit you.  If you spot an activity you want to do select it by clicking on the tick ✅ to add it to your personalised programme.

4.Icons-vertical/1x/cardiovascular.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/strength-and-endurance.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/flexibility.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/core-stability.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/balance-coordination-and-sensation.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/pelvic-health-and-control.png 4.Icons-vertical/1x/breathing-and-lung-health.png

How do I know what activities will be suitable for me?

Everyone has different aims and abilities.  The type and amount of activity you chose to do, will be individual to you. You will have support from a physiotherapist to support you initially as you begin making activity selections and learn more about what the LEAP-MS resource offers and how it is organised.

There are a range of different activities that can help to achieve a goal of being more active. There is no one correct exercise program – but there are some key elements that you should try to address when developing a program to optimise your health and well-being. These include activities that target cardiovascular fitness, strength, core stability and balance.

If you have other goals in mind, for example, you may want to improve your balance or you want to be able to walk or wheel to the shop, then you’ll want to select activities that help you move towards achieving those aims.

To try and help you work out which activities are best for you we have divided the activities and exercises into groups such as ‘cardiovascular fitness’ and ‘strengthening’.

Within each group, activities and exercises are then further categorised in relation to the level of mobility a person needs to have to do that activity, the positions in which the activity can be done in and whether or not any equipment is needed.  

[Not sure if might want to put the mini versions of those icons here??]

Example exercise

[insert a still of an exercise as it will appear and the related icons]

For example, as you will see above, this exercise is done in sitting with support and requires a piece of equipment.  If you are someone who is able to sit with support, in a chair or wheelchair, then this exercise is likely to be something suitable for you.  Equally, if you are someone who can stand and step, then you could do this exercise too.  You might however want to find an exercise you could do in standing.

There will be exceptions to the categorising rule here, in that, someone might be able to stand and step for example, but find a particular exercise in standing or sitting really difficult due to weakness in a particular muscle group.  The exercise categories are just a guide and a way to try and help you find activities that you will be able to do more easily, there are no hard and fast rules.

Getting started

Take a look at the information section ‘Choosing Activities and Getting started’ which will give you some tips and support in how to begin, including how to overcome common challenges to starting new activities and exercises.

Meeting your physiotherapist

You will be meeting with a LEAP-MS physiotherapist shortly who will support you to select activities that you want to start with that will help you move towards achieving any aim or challenge you set yourself.   They will talk to you about what aims and challenges you might want to set and support you to navigate and use this tool.

You don’t have to wait to see the physiotherapist however.  You can get started now.  Take a look through the activity section and select anything you think you would like to try.  As you select the activity, it’ll appear in your personal plan.  Have a think about when you would like to do the activities you have selected, how often and when might be the best time of day for you.  Use your activity plan to add those details.

Once you have your plan – get started!  Track your activities and your progress by adding what you have done to your profile by filling in your activity log.

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