If you are able to stand or walk, but need a walking aid, then you might like to try some of the activities suggested here.

Balance routine 1

In this MS Society video are a range of activities which are targeted at helping you to improve your balance.  Most of the exercises are in standing – and to do this video, you need to be able to stand unsupported.


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Balance routine 2

In this routine, you will find a range of exercises in lying, standing and in sitting that focus on challenging your balance and strengthening key muscle groups that help stability.  You can do lying exercises on your bed rather than on the floor.  This routine has been created by physiotherapists at Cardiff University for people with neurological conditions. 

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Balance routine 3

Try this 10-minute routine from the MS Society which is aimed at improving balance and co-ordination.  Some of the exercises are on sitting and some are in standing.


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Balance routine 4

If these routines are too long for you, the MS Trust has 5 balance exercises in standing that you might want to try.  Click on the link below to see them.


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Tai Chi

These short Tai Chi films provide a gentle challenge to balance, while being good for improving flexibility and co-ordination.  You can find seated Tai Chi in the flexibility section.

This 5-minute beginners program of tai Chi is an excellent routine of fluid movement - good for flexibility balance, core strength and relaxation.

To do this routine you need to be able to stand securely and take one step forward and back.

If you're a little unsteady, then make sure that you stand with your feet further apart than shown here and do it next to a solid table or kitchen work surface so you can steady yourself if need be.



If you get on well with this routine - there are 5, 5-minute sessions in this series - see below.

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This 7-minute well-paced yoga for MS routine is done in standing with a chair or firm surface in front.


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