
Boxing is an activity that will quickly raise your heart beat and is an excellent cardiovascular activity. 

If you are wanting activities to do at home, there are some excellent boxing actions ‘shadow boxing’ which can form a boxing cardiovascular workout that you might want to try.

Here is a 15-minute boxing cardiovascular workout that you can try in sitting, or sat in your wheelchair.  The instructor gives different examples of exercises you can do depending on your own situation throughout the video.  This workout is challenging and so you might want to plan to do the first few minutes to begin with and build up over time.  Don’t worry if you can’t do the movements as quickly as the instructor does them.


Most gyms have boxing bags and so if you are a member of a gym, you might want to add boxing in to your regime.  This is a very energetic activity so make sure you start slowly and build up.

If you have access to a gym instructor, here is the type of boxing routine you could try with them.


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