
Cardiovascular/Aerobic exercise programmes
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Aerobics [standing, standing with support, sitting, sitting with support]
Aerobics involve a series of different exercises which done repetitively quickly raises your heart and breathing rate.
There are now many different aerobics programmes that you can find on the internet. The ones we share here are programmes which have been specifically produced for people with Multiple Sclerosis, those which don’t rely on costly equipment and programmes that can be done in different positions.
Following movements by an instructor can take some practice, so don’t expect yourself to be able to do everything in a new programme all in one go. You might find you start off by doing the first 5 minutes of a routine, or every other exercise and then build up.
You may struggle with some of the movements to begin with, but find that you improve with practice and are able to more and more of the programme each time you try it.
The aerobics videos here provide a range of approaches. Some are very explanatory, focussed and slow paced. Some are set to music, more general and are about having fun with movement. See which type of approach you prefer and go with whatever you enjoy most.
In standing
Try this aerobic warm up from the MS Society: Aerobics session 1
This is a cardiovascular workout. If you are able to manage the activities in this video, you will be contributing to improving or maintaining your strength, co-ordination and cardiovascular fitness. Don’t worry if you can’t do all the exercises here, do the ones you can – and don’t worry if you can’t do the exercises at the same speed as the instructor – just do them as fast as you can. You might find you can’t do the whole workout straight away and may start off by doing the first few minutes and building up gradually. Think about setting yourself a target to be able to complete the whole routine within a given time.
Try this 10-minute workout from the MS Society aimed at improving balance and co-ordination but will also get your heart rate up a bit too.
If you like to dance – try the Mojo Moves for MS dancerise sessions in the Dance section.
In standing with support
If you use a standing frame, you might want to try doing one of the aerobics programmes in the seated section below. For more information about how to use a standing frame, see materials from Plymouth University research study Standing Up with MS -
In sitting
Try this simple seated exercise programme from the MS Society: Aerobics in sitting session 4
Try this ‘Chairfit’ workout designed for people with MS: Aerobics in sitting session 5
This is a cardiovascular workout. If you are able to manage the activities in this video, you will be contributing to improving or maintaining your strength, co-ordination and cardiovascular fitness. Don’t worry if you can’t do all the exercises here, do the ones you can – and don’t worry if you can’t do the exercises at the same speed as the instructor – just do them as fast as you can. You might find you can’t do the whole workout straight away and may start off by doing the first few minutes and building up gradually. Think about setting yourself a target to be able to complete the whole routine within a given time.
If you like to dance – try the Mojo Moves for MS programme in the dance section.
In sitting with support
The MS Society have produced a series of workouts for wheelchair users. The filmed workouts below take you through a series of workouts which provide cardiovascular and strengthening activities.
- Short warm up exercise programme for wheelchair users from the MS Society (Aerobic session 8)
- 10-minute arm workout for wheelchair users (Aerobic session 9)
In lying
Try out this programme in lying which will get your heart rate up a little and strengthen your arms and legs (Aerobics session 10)
Aerobics exercise for all
This 20-minute aerobic exercise video includes people of different abilities. The routine shows you how to do the routine in different positions and modifies each exercise to meet different people’s needs. (Aerobic session 11)
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