
Anyone who stays in the same posture or position for long periods of time or can’t move easily is at risk of getting stiff joints and tight muscles.

Maintaining the range of movement at our joints and the length of our muscles is important for two keys reasons.  First, comfort.  Having stiff joints and tight muscles can be uncomfortable and in some instances cause pain.  Second, if our muscles are tight and shortened, they can’t function as well or have to work harder.

Have a listen to Professor Helen Dawes as she talks about the importance of staying flexible – and how you can go about incorporating flexibility activities in your daily life:

Activities to help improve your flexibility

In this section we provide information about a range of activities in sitting, lying and standing.  Not everything here will be suitable for or interesting to you, but we hope you will find something you might like to try. 

View subsections and activities:
Neck and Shoulders
More challenging seated yoga
Tai chi
Seated Tai Chi
General exercise routines for flexibility
Standing in standing frames
Build your own stretch routine

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