You might like to try out this MS Society seated Pilates programme which will help to target core stability and strength in your arm and legs.

Pilates seated routine 1:

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Pilates seated routine 2:

This MS Society pilates programme is performed mostly in sitting. A little of the session includes the need to stand up from sitting.  If you are unable to stand you can take a breather in this bit.

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Pilates seated routine 3:

For a more challenging chair-based routine, see this programme below.  Please note that this programme relies on you being able to sit unsupported in a dining room chair and be able to lift your arms and legs.  This is quite a long routine, so divide the routine in chunks and build up gradually.

[add pilates seated routine 3 to plan]

Lying to standing

If you are able to get from lying into standing, take a look at this mat based gentle Pilates routines designed for people with MS by the MS Society

[add pilates lying to standing routine to plan]

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