
[Walking, Walking with aid, Standing, Standing with support, Sitting, Transferring, Sitting with support]

Kicking or throwing a ball about with a team, with friends or at home is a good cardiovascular or strengthening exercise.  It can also be good for co-ordination.  While rugby and football will need a bit of thinking about and some adaptation, there are ways that it could work for you.

To play these things you would need a team, some friends or family around – hopefully trying to get a bit more active by using LEAP-MS will give you the chance to do some different things with people close to you and have some fun together.


Walking football

If you are on your feet and can walk with or without a walking aid then you might like to try walking football.

Walking football teams are established across the UK.  If you think you might be interested in this type of thing, give the organiser of your local team and ask whether or not that have people who use walking aids in the team and/or what you’d need to be able to do to join.  If that teams not for you, but you want to have a go, think about setting up your own with your local MS Society branch.


Rugby or Football at home

If you’re not interested in joining a team but like a throw or kick about with friends, then do that.  In standing, or a seated kick or throw about in the garden or park with the family will soon get your heart beating a bit faster.


Wheelchair football/rugby

Wheelchair football and rugby are full on physical sports.  To do this you’ll often need a sports wheelchair that you can manoeuvre quickly.  For most people the physicality of this sport is too much, but if you feel you are relatively strong in your arms and would like a go, talk to your local group and go along to a session to watch and use if it’s for you.  To access a sports wheelchair, you may need to apply for grants.  Consult the MS Society or Disability Sports Wales for assistance and guidance with this.

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