There are lots of yoga classes online that have been created specifically for people with MS.  Some rely on people being able to be on their feet and get on and off the floor, while others can be done entirely in sitting and offer programmes which have a relaxation and fatigue management focus, while engaging “core” muscles at the same time.

Most people starting yoga find it challenging to begin with, but often find that they improve little by little each time they do it.

Here are a couple of yoga programmes that focus on core stability and strength that you might want to try at home.  We’ve indicated the positions that the programmes work in.

Seated yoga

Seated yoga routine 1:

This is a well-paced 10-minute yoga routine which anyone can have a go at and is a great routine to start with.  It’s focussed on relaxation, but is helpful for flexibility and core strength too.

[add seated yoga routine 1 to plan]


Seated yoga routine 2:

This seated programme is a little more challenging and requires you to be able to reach up and out while in sitting. 

[add seated yoga routine 2 to plan]


Seated and in lying

This programme is partly in sitting and partly in lying.  If getting on and off the floor is not an option for you, then consider trying the lying sections of this programme on your bed instead.

[add seated and lying yoga routine to my plan]

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